FLOCX matching syntax

A Bid submitted to the FLOCX Marketplace service may specify a set of criteria that must be satisfied in order to match with an available Offer. This document describes the syntax used to specify these matching rules in the REST API.

Basic syntax

A match expression consists of a list of 3-tuples [expression, operator, value], where:

  • expression is a JMESPath expression used to extract a value from the node metadata,

  • operator is one of the operators described in this document, and

  • value is the value against which the expression is compared.

When there are multiple 3-tuples in a match expression, they are combined using a logical AND operation (i.e., they all must match).


Prefix an operator with ! to negate the comparison.

Null operator

If operator is null, the value of expression is interpreted in a boolean context (and value is ignored).

Numeric operators

  • == - equals

  • != - does not equal

  • > - greater than

  • < - less than

  • >= - greater than or equal to

  • <= - less than or equal to

String Operators

  • eq - equals

  • ne - does not equal

  • startswith - string starts with the given value

  • endswith - string ends with the given value

  • matches - string matches a regular expression

List operators

  • in - string is contained in the given list

  • contains - list contains the given string


Match a specific host architecture:

  ["cpu_arch", "eq", "x86_64"]

Match a host with at least 48GB memory:

  ["memory_mb", ">=", 48000]

Match a host with at least 16 x86_64 CPUs:

  ["cpu_arch", "eq", "x86_64"],
  ["inventory.cpu.count", ">=", 16]

Match a host that supports hardware-accelerated virtualization:

  [ "inventory.cpu.flags", "contains", "vmx"]

Match a host that does not support hardware-accelerated virtualization:

  [ "inventory.cpu.flags", "!contains", "vmx"]

Match a host with a least two rotational hard disks:

  ["length(inventory.disks[?\"rotational\" == `true`])", ">=", 2]

Match a host with 1 or more rotational hard disks:

  ["inventory.disks[?\"rotational\"==`true`]", null, null]

Match a specific manufacturer and product:

  ["inventory.system_vendor.manufacturer", "matches", "Dell"],
  ["inventory.system_vendor.product_name", "matches", "PowerEdge M620"]